Early Childhood Services

Kindergarten at Pipestone

Kindergarten (also called Early childhood Services ECS) is a program that not only helps prepare children for entry into Grade 1, but also provides a foundation for later success. The purpose of Kindergarten is to provide learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate in order to meet the diverse needs of children and promote a positive attitude toward lifelong learning. A child whose developmental needs have been met is more likely to grow into a self-reliant, responsible, caring and contributing member of society.  At Pipestone we very successfully meet student needs and the Alberta Education learning outcomes for kindergarten with a play-based learning philosophy.

The Kindergarten program at Pipestone runs full days on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Later in the school year there are some Fridays. 

Students that are 5 years old by December 31st of the school year are eligible for ECS services within WRPS schools.