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Term One Student Progress Reporting

Dear Parents / Guardians,

November 2021

A reminder that we are using PowerSchool to communicate students' progress throughout the year.  Over the past years there have been three terms for reporting through the school year.  This year WRPS has implemented quarters or four terms of reporting.  The first quarter ended on November 5, 2021. In the upcoming week, you will receive communication that the quarter summary of your students’ marks and comments are ready for viewing on PowerSchool.  If you would like a paper copy of your students’ marks and comments, please contact the office and a report can be printed for you.  This is a change from our traditional report cards.  We strongly believe that student progress is best communicated through regular feedback rather than only at reporting dates. PowerSchool is a tool that will increase the effectiveness of feedback about student learning. We are happy to help students and families learn how to use PowerSchool, please contact the office with any questions you may have. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens when I forget my password?

You will need to do self-service password recovery directly through PowerSchool. From the login page, click on the “Forgot Password” link. PowerSchool will send an email to the account you used to set up your PowerSchool with a link for changing your password. 

What happens when my child forgets their password?

Students can get help from the office at the school for password resets. 

My child received an “ACH” (achieving) but when I look at the assignment it says 90 or 9/10 etc.

The PowerSchool system works with numbers and requires that values be set for letter grade scales. These are not actual percentage scores for your child rather they are the number assigned to the letter scale used for background calculations. 

Kindergarten - Grade 2 are scored in all subjects using the letter grade scale


The student...

Number Attached



  • demonstrates consistent understanding of the outcome
  • needs minimal support
  • makes connections to prior learning
  • applies learning to new situations




  • is developing a consistent understanding of the outcome
  • may need additional support with learning
  • is progressing toward making connections to previous learning
  • applies learning to familiar situations




  • demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the outcome
  • will need additional instruction and/or opportunities for learning



Not Yet Apparent

  • has not yet demonstrated any understanding of the outcome
  • will need additional instruction and/or opportunities for learning




No score indicates an outcome that has not been covered yet



Grades 3-6 are scored using a combination of actual numeric grades (core subjects) and only letter grades (non-core subjects). 


The student...

Number Attached



  • always demonstrates understanding of the outcome
  • shows a deeper understanding of the outcome at that grade level
  • needs no additional support
  • uses connections to prior learning
  • applies learning to new situations 




  • always demonstrates understanding of the outcome
  • rarely needs support
  • makes connections to prior learning
  • applies learning to familiar situations




  • often demonstrates understanding of the outcome
  • sometimes need additional support
  • sometimes makes connections to prior learning
  • needs further instruction and learning opportunities




  • rarely demonstrates understanding of the outcome
  • often needs additional support
  • does not make connections to prior learning
  • needs further instruction and learning opportunities



There will be a section called Learner Attributes that gives you information about your child's general personal and social progress.  Progress by your child for term one is indicated by your child’s teacher using C - Consistent; I - Inconsistent, R -  Requires Improvement

Contact Mr. Gibson or your child's tacher with any questions

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