School Council

Pipestone School Council

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Consider becoming a part of the Pipestone School Council.  The school council exists under Alberta Education and WRPS regulations and procedures.  The main job of our school council is the advisory role on any school, school division or Alberta Education matter.

Here's the link to find out more information about what a school council does.

We have about one meeting each month including our Annual General Meeting each Fall.  Information on the meetings will be sent out in advance through the usual school communications (monthly calendar, student agenda, email/phone out, parent Facebook page)

Please note that as per Alberta Education guidelines, the fundraising group of parents has a separate Society from the Pipestone School Council.  The Society's name is Friends of Pipestone School (FoPS) and the FoPS meetings usually take place on the same night but separate from Pipestone School Council. 

1. Friends Of Pipestone School Council Minutes September 2023

Category: Friends of Pipestone School Council 2023-2024
Uploaded on October 23 2023

2. Friends Of Pipestone School Council Minutes October 2023

Category: Friends of Pipestone School Council 2023-2024
Uploaded on November 24 2023

3. Friends Of Pipestone School Council Minutes November 2023

Category: Friends of Pipestone School Council 2023-2024
Uploaded on December 8 2023

4. Friends Of Pipestone School Council Minutes February 2024

Category: Friends of Pipestone School Council 2023-2024
Uploaded on February 21 2024

5. Friends Of Pipestone School Council Minutes March 2024

Category: Friends of Pipestone School Council 2023-2024
Uploaded on May 16 2024

6. Friends Of Pipestone School Council Minutes April 2024

Category: Friends of Pipestone School Council 2023-2024
Uploaded on May 16 2024